Antitrust Law Source

Tag Archives: healthcare

DOJ challenges healthcare system’s use of anti-steering clauses

In its continuing fight against rising healthcare costs, the Justice Department (DOJ) has sued Charlotte, North Carolina’s largest healthcare system for using a common healthcare contracting tool, the anti-steering clause. U.S. and the State of North Carolina v. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority, d/b/a Carolinas Healthcare System (CHS), Case No. 3:16-cv-00311, filed on June 9, 2016. … Continue Reading

Are data breaches covered under insurance policies?

In defending against a class action case where patient information was found online for months without being secured, the insurance company was found to have a duty to defend the defendant, who held an insurance policy that covered the publication of patient information. The case, Travelers Indemnity vs. Portal Healthcare, is important because it’s one … Continue Reading

United we fall? 6th Circuit holds that members of hospital network may not be a single entity under the antitrust laws

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit recently issued an opinion with potential antitrust impact on joint ventures—in the healthcare realm and beyond. The case was originally filed by a Dayton-area surgical center, The Medical Center at Elizabeth Place, against a competing local hospital network, Premier Health Partners. The plaintiff claims that Premier … Continue Reading