If you’ve been to the store lately, you know there are a few things that are hard to find and others are increasing in price. But when does stocking up turn into hoarding or demand driving up prices turn into price gouging? In the second of a three-part series on consumer protection and antitrust concerns during COVID-19, host Jay Levine and Porter Wright attorney Allen Carter discuss how federal and state governments protect consumers in these instances, how the COVID-19 crisis impacts the laws and what companies need to know to protect their business.
Be sure to listen to the first podcast in this series, Antitrust during COVID-19 Part 1: Concerns about collaboration. The next installment discusses what companies should be doing now to protect themselves from litigation around antitrust and consumer protection in the future.
Information about COVID-19 and its impact on local, state and federal levels is changing rapidly. This article may not reflect updates to news, executive orders, legislation and regulations made after its publication date. Visit our COVID-19 resource page to find the most current information.